Oakfield Short Stay School
Learn, Believe, Enjoy and Achieve
The status of Oakfield Short Stay School as a Pupil Referral Unit does not allow for a school governing board, instead it has a Management Committee that fulfils many of the school governors' functions.
A Message from the Chair of the Management Committee
The Management Committee are very proud of being part of Oakfield Short Stay School and the very committed staff team. We want to share in the success of Oakfield in allowing pupils to aspire and achieve their best. We are convinced Oakfield makes a difference to children's lives and sets children on the path to a fulfilling life.
Members of the Committee
Karen Allen (Community) Chair of Management Committee
Suzanne Uprichard (Community) Vice Chair of Management Committee - Safeguarding Link
Lewis Pegg & Craig Collins (Co-Headteacher's, Intrim)
Alison Bradley (Assistant Director - Education and SEND LCC)
Jane Sims (Staff Representative)
Adrian Stephenson (Community & SEIPs)
Sue Rigby - (Parent Representative)
Chris White (Community) - Headteacher Birkett House Special School Anti Bullying Link
James Ellis (Community) Director of Education for Special School CIT Academies
Peter Merry (Community) CEO OWLS Trust
Jackie Walker (Clerk)
Julie-Ann Biddles (Community) - SENCo Iveshead Anti Bullying Link
The Management Committee undertakes its management tasks through a series of committees, which meet half termly to report to the full Management Committee Meeting.