Oakfield Short Stay School
Learn, Believe, Enjoy and Achieve
Admission Policy
Oakfield Short Stay School is for primary aged children (from the term after their fifth birthday) who have been permanently excluded from school or are at risk of permanent exclusion. Parents cannot choose to send their child directly to Oakfield.
A child who has been permanently excluded from their primary school will have a placement offered at Oakfield. Children who may be at risk of permanent exclusion can be discussed by their school at a Behavioural Forum, facilitated by Oakfield School to School support. This meeting will suggest ideas to improve the child's behaviour, so they can become more effective learners in their own primary school.
In most cases this is successful and is the best option for the child. However in some cases this is not so and the child will be discussed at a 'Referral Panel' where, to prevent permanent exclusion, the child may be admitted to Oakfield Short Stay School. If the option of admission to Oakfield is chosen, the child will remain on the roll of their primary school, but attend Oakfield. This is called Dual Registration.
The child will remain at Oakfield until the appropriate assessments have been undertaken. The aim is that within 20 weeks the child will return to a mainstream school or go to an educational establishment which will better meet their needs. Dual Registered children will return to their mainstream primary school, while permanently excluded children will go to another primary school.
Re-admission to Oakfield is via the process outline. There is no direct route back into the school. Throughout the process Oakfield Family Support Workers will help you.