Oakfield Short Stay School
Learn, Believe, Enjoy and Achieve
Staying safe Online
The internet is an amazing resource which enables children and young people to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways, on a range of devices.
Trying to keep up to speed with these challenges can be a minefield, as the internet is ever changing and children will find different interests and websites or games that operate in different ways. We are here to help you support your child in staying safe while using technology.
Children are using devices at a younger age so it’s important to consider setting controls on their tech, or on any devices that you are letting them borrow from you. Click on the link below to access parental controls for a number of devices.
If you need safeguarding information or advice our safeguarding leaders are:-
DSL - Designated Safeguard Lead:-
Craig Collins (Interim Headteacher), Oakfield South, Earl Shilton
Lewis Pegg (Interim Headteacher), Oakfield North, Shepshed
DDSLs - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:-
Rachel Fisher (Interim Deputy Headteacher), Oakfield North & South(Designated Teacher for LAC pupils)
Jane Sims (Senior Family Support Worker)
Georgina Cole ( SENDco/Inclusion Coordinator), Oakfield North, Shepshed
Robin Brill (Class Inclusion Teacher), Oakfield North, Shepshed
Contact telephone number 0116 2759150
If you have an immediate concern about the safety of a young person please call:-
First Response Central Duty 0116 3050005
Management Committee Anti bullying & Safeguarding Link:-
Suzanne Uprichard (Vice Chair of Management Committee)
contactable via the school office 0116 2759150