Oakfield Short Stay School
Learn, Believe, Enjoy and Achieve
Oakfield North (Shepshed)
Forest Street
LE12 9DB
Co-Headteachers – Lewis Pegg (DSL) Lewis.Pegg@leics.gov.uk and Craig Collins (DSL) craig.collins@leics.gov.uk
Phone: 0116 275 9150
Email: oakfield@leics.gov.uk
Chair of Management Committee: Karen Allen - who can be contacted via the school, marking any documents private and confidential.
If contacting the School please ask for one of our Co-Headteachers, if they are not available then please ask for the Assistant Headteacher.
Deputy Headteacher (Interim): Rachel Fisher Rachel.Fisher@leics.gov.uk
SENDCo/Inclusion Coordinator (Shepshed): Georgina Cole
Senior Family Support Worker – Jane Sims
Family Support Worker – Christine Frost
Pupil Premium Teacher – Zoe Poppleton
Business Support Officer- Stephanie Cluer
Business Support Assistant- Amy Cope